Ultra Vulkan Painting

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sanguinary Priest - How to Build 2 with Apothecary

So, I decided to tackle the first of my two Sanguinary Priest this weekend, and here is it (thought I did fix the bent helmet antenna - i still have to paint the power weapon too). Now, as youll notice, I didnt use all the components from the apothachary which comes in the SM command squad. Im hoping to stretch the components to make a second Sang. Priest.

Sang Priest 1 (above) - Apoth backpack and torso with company champ shoulder pad and commander helmet
Sang Priest 2 - Apoth backpack (got that off ebay), apoth arm, apoth helmet and apoth shoulder pad, company champ torso and shoulder pad. Hopfully the second Sang Priest will look similar to the first, so they are congruent in appearance (thought not exactly the same). They will share red bodys with white helmets and company champ should pads. I should have the second priest up soon so youll be able to take a look at that.

So here is the official RAS #1 (I will however be replacing some of the components with those from the death company sprues I ordered last weekend - such as the helmets, torsos, shoulder pads, chain swords... yeh, go get yourself a d.company box set if your a BA player (has like 18 shoulder pads in it! - see in white dwarf)).

Next Up - begin my freehand work on the transports - jawaballs style!


Space Hulk Enthusiast March 29, 2010 at 5:11 AM  

Looks good, but how about a helix on his shoulderpad?
That would seal the deal.

Von Drakin March 11, 2011 at 10:50 PM  

Looking nice mate! Love the checker on the chain swords... its exactly the same thing im doing with my guys!

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