Assault Marine Painting Progress
So, as I've reached my 1000 point benchmark, Ive continue onward and upward. What I have left to paint is the following:
-Drop Pod
-10x assault marines
Again, im back with the check pattern on the chain swords too. See my blog post on checkerpattern painting:
If I might make a couple suggestions?
Your white is far too transluscent. There needs to either be more coats at that consistency, or use a white paint that is more opaque. Try the white from P3 it's fantastic. You could also try using a light grey for your line highlighting, it covers better and won't be such a stark contrast.
Second, the mould line on that helmet SCREAMS. Try dragging an xacto across it (sideways) and that'll come off during your prep work. It'll look much cleaner.
keep it up :)
Thanks for the feedback! I actually do use the P3 white paint, however I do water it down. I prefer a bit of a faded look when you see it from about a foot away. Up close, you do see the stroke lines. Ill have to keep playing around with it.
As for the mould line, yes, it does scream in these picture. I should slice that down.
Here's another idea for you then. when it comes to your white, build up to it.
dark grey
light grey
then white.
It adds more steps, but the finished version should be closer to a pure white. Lot better coverage that way.
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